“The 2024 Election” The Clash of Civilization – Postmodern vs. Classic Liberalism – People of Faith

The 2024 election is turning out to be a typical brawl between the Democrats and an unconventional Grand Old Party. If you look underneath the hood of this election season, you’ll hear the same rhetoric that invigorates some and infuriates others. The conversation of debts, deficits, saving democracy, inflation, faith in the Constitution, the open border, and the raging cultural war will determine who will shape America’s identity for the next fifty years. However, it sounds like business as usual for most Americans as November 5th draws near.

 However, this is not a typical election cycle. The stakes have never been higher, and this phrase, often echoed during every election, now carries a new weight in the context of the 2024 election. A paradigm shift brewing since the 1930s is now on the brink of realization or reversal, depending on the outcome of the 2024 presidential election. The time to act is now, and the significance of your vote cannot be overstated. The urgency of the 2024 election cannot be ignored. Your vote is not just a choice; it's a crucial step in shaping America's future. This urgency demands your immediate attention and action.

 The paradigm shift in question is an epic clash between Postmodern thought and Classic Liberalism that has defined the conflict playing out in America. Most likely, if someone were to quiz another on what that means, they would probably get a strange look.  What does that have to do with the 2024 election? If you haven't figured it out, it’s time to pay attention; no matter what political or religious stripe you’re wearing on your lapel, keep in mind that time is running out as the threads of America’s constitutional republic, the cohesion that barely is holding what’s left could completely untangle.

Suppose Americans are not afraid, as the millions of faithful who refuse to vote watch the country start to spiral out of control. In that case, they better get a sense of urgency, get involved, and take a side immediately by voting in the 2024 election. Like the cult of Jim Jones, who poisoned his followers if you don’t vote, those who refuse to fight because they just gave up or believe their vote doesn’t matter have been victimized by the worst kind of mental poison that it’s going to be business as usual, “I’ll just sit this one out because my vote doesn’t count.” A vote doesn’t count only if it is not cast.

 It's understandable to have apprehension. The nation has been allowed to change by those we thought would protect us, but they have not. They say one thing, then lie and do precisely the opposite. Therefore, Americans of deep religious convictions feel betrayed and decide to withdraw—that’s fair enough. However, all Americans, including people of faith, have a champion in President Trump, who, during his four-year Presidency, made considerable progress in preserving America's Judeo-Christian ethic and advancing the Kingdom of God by guaranteeing our rights to practice what we believe in and stands for Classical Liberalism that guarantees the promises of the First Amendment. No matter what religious denomination Americans belong here is a rallying cry that people of faith have a vested interest in. Your faith is not a hindrance in this political landscape but a powerful force for change and to preserve our traditional values. Your faith is a cornerstone in this election, a force that can shape the future of our nation.

 Classical Liberalism is the wellspring of civil liberties, private property rights, freedom of speech and religion, free markets, scientific inquiry, and the democratic process we all take for granted. Conversely, Postmodernism is a cultural extrapolation of neo-Marxism that has morphed in the 20th century. It is described as an alternative to traditionalism and classical thought, challenging universal truths and objective knowledge. It embraces relativism, subjectivism, and skepticism, leading to a nihilism that rejects the fundamental principles of human existence, morality, and the search for inquiry—scientific, philosophical, and theological. This stark contrast is not just a political debate; it's a battle for the soul of our nation, and it's at the heart of the 2024 election.

 Postmodernism versus Classical Liberalism - Over the last sixty years, the United States culture has been through a paradigm shift that incrementally transformed the worldview of how many Americans feel and act toward their belief system. Postmodernism is a pseudonym for Marxism that has gained acceptance throughout American society. It is further distilled into relativism, breaking down the culture away from traditionalism into a world governed by situational ethics that redefine how people determine their beliefs and values, that moral absolutes are subjective and a matter of personal interpretation versus prior long-standing concepts of virtue, morality, and Judeo-Christian doctrine by the misinterpretation of the doctrine of the “Separation of Church and State” that has redefined the role of “immutable rights” derived from God as rights from the state.

 The most crucial issue is the clash between classical liberals and the postmodern view linked to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. This clash threatens the foundational building blocks of scientific inquiry, medicine, jurisprudence, education, biology, natural/physical science, the Letters and Sciences, and the Arts and Humanities. Classical Liberalism is the foundation for the success of Western Civilization. This clash has already led to a rapid disruption in these fields, causing concern for the future of our nation.

 The Infection of Postmodernism — The goal of the Postmodern revolution is to advance their vision, “the ends justify the means." They mold their ideology and justify them as the measurement of morality and truth to accomplish their goals. They rationalize denying a person's ideas and beliefs to question government authority for the “greater good” that represents their political doctrine. Postmodernism in America today is seen throughout society. It has shifted the direction from classical liberalism and evolved into restructuring the country's foundations. America's institutions have changed from pursuing Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness through meritocracy to pursuing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, where the fundamental application of the Socratic Method is rejected and replaced by relativism.  

 Relativism espouses that knowledge, morality, and truth are not absolute to culture, society, and history. Therefore, since there are no accepted norms of discovery, we live in a world where men are women, accepted pronoun usage, where crime has been decriminalized, and where people and institutions are defined by race and gender and enforced by government mandates, wherein all aspects of society are viewed from a prism of race that replaces the fundamental truth that race is not a determinant to measure but is the human qualities that make us individuals. It stresses the “body of the collective” and professes conformity over individualism as a universal truth. For example, the postmodern mantra establishes a “Consciousness of Formation” that influences the wokeness of postmodernism in the body politic. There’s only one position. If you believe only in traditional marriage, that’s intolerant and inappropriate, and if you do not conform, you're canceled. Kamala Harris is quoted as saying everybody has to be more woke, not less woke. Who is she appealing to? That means anything related to love is legitimate without boundaries based on relativism, where there are no absolutes that distort heterosexualism and matrimony between a man and a woman as intolerant and part of a patriarchy of “white dominance” that is an insult to the multiple diversity of gender and race identity.         

 The postmodern view advances seizing control by moving away from free enterprise to crony capitalism, which has overtones of socialism or public-private fascism and has been proven to lead to an authoritarian government but is postulated as a virtuous movement of the people. The threat of the government taking property rights through excessive and out-of-control regulations falls in line with the Postmodern advocates, who say truth is based on more, not less, a government that is supposed to produce better outcomes but never does.

 It sees a revisionist view of history that uses selective parts of events without examining the whole, reinterpreting the truth and presenting it as a fact, and taking parts in science and methodology without the Socratic Method, which is a threat to the integrity of the fundamental application of knowledge.  Examples are the 1619 Project and the institutional body of works that claim America is systemically racist and described as “White Rage” that’s oppressing people of color. Also, the change to creating a one-size-fits-all scenario excludes a vigorous examination of the facts that don’t use censorship, intimidation, or fear to quiet opposition. Examples are Climate change, Climate Social Justice (whatever that is), medicine (COVID mRNA Drug), nutrition, economics, education, guaranteed constitutional liberties, and transgender-affirming care through the mutilation of children, and the use of powerful hormone drugs with no long-term studies done on an ad hoc basis is found acceptable, but clearly unscientific.  As fed-up parents look at the propaganda affecting their children, they divorce themselves from the legacy media, while concerned parents at school board meetings are treated like criminals for protesting over how inappropriate it is to expose a child to a tied-on dildo in an educational book or classroom. That represents the empty vessel of state nihilism from the cult of Postmodern thinking.      

 The most pressing crisis is the southern border, managed by Kamala Harris,  who was appointed as the border czar. Postmodern relativism says diversity is America’s strength and the need to import millions and millions of illegal migrants by circumventing established immigration statutes and restructuring the process not based on examining the policy's merits but using an ad hoc open border approach that’s unprecedented in American history based on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity that denies the universal truth that untamed mass immigration is a dangerous policy that leads to the destabilization of the established society as seen by the race riots of Europe as the government gives preferential treatment over citizens and treats illegals as a protected class that harbors animosity as the government is not enforcing the law against those committing crimes with no repercussions that are already here in America as the pent up volume of millions is forming to threaten the security and safety of the Homeland. The postmodern agenda advocates for this, while social media are the revolutionary's water carriers as they control the messaging influencing and affecting millions of Americans.

 The Postmodern Agenda is attempting to turn America into a one-party state that’s similar to California (where demanding voter ID is against the law), orchestrated by the United States government and the ruling class who controls the government that is flooding the zone with illegal immigrants within all the battleground states on a three-to-one basis where the margin of victory usually is razor-thin in most elections, but when registering tens of thousands of migrants to vote will flip the states through massive invasion of immigrants that will undoubtedly turn America into a one-party state that will extinguished competitive and free elections—so every vote counts.   

 What else does that mean for you? The architects of Postmodernism have stated that every aspect of life, the scientific method, politics, etc., is negotiable, includes, and is subject to change and that any cannons of traditionalism, including Judeo-Christian doctrines, are racist, intolerant, and Democrats in Congress state that the Bill of Rights, including most recently the first and seconds amendments are not absolute nor is the Amendments to the Constitution sacrosanct. For example, the Democrats have advanced that the cornerstone of our Constitutional Republic, the Electoral College, is obsolete, and the nation must implement the popular vote instead of proportional representation, which is at the heart of our constitutional system. The disciples of Postmodernism create laws that, if you question from the pulpit actions of privileged groups identified by the state as ungodly, you have committed a crime, and under a Kamala Harris Presidency, that will be a certainty.

 If that isn’t enough for you, consider what will happen to the dollar and inflation for four more years if you don’t vote. How much worse can it get—plenty. If you value your standard of living and still afford those comforts and conveniences, think what it will cost for basics four years from now. The Postmodern view of economics is known as Modern Monetary Theory, which states that deficits don’t matter and the government can create and spend all the money it wants with the Federal Reserve so the government can maintain its corrupt power with the overt tax of inflation. There is no greater moral injustice than the purposeful debasement of the nation's money to benefit a corrupt ruling political and corporate class that’s impoverishing all Americans.      

 Christians and all Americans have a record of fighting against tyranny. Throughout history, Christians have been the bulwark whose passion for Christ has fought against those who endorse oppression. The ruling class rejects them because they stand against the unrighteous by stepping forward and getting involved, whereas many have done so by making the ultimate sacrifice by losing their life for their cause.  One of those Christians was Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a Lutheran Pastor who lived in Germany during the reign of Hitler’s Third Reich. He was an orthodox theologian and a religious scholar. He had authored widely inspirational and influential books, including “The Cost of Discipleship,” which said that playing lip service and being a lukewarm believer is not enough.  Bonhoeffer was an openly vocal and harsh critic of the Nazi’s euthanasia programs and the genocidal persecution of the Jews, and Hitler’s policies of oppression. He was arrested in 1943 by the Gestapo and incarcerated at Tegel Prison for one and a half years, then transferred to Flossenbürg concentration camp. Later, he was accused of plotting to assassinate Hitler along with several coconspirators. Dietrich Bonhoeffer was hanged in 1945 during the fall of the Third Reich. Whether he was a part of the plot to assassinate Hitler is unknown, but as a man of peace, it’s unlikely and a usual tactic to eliminate enemies of the Reich. The lesson is that he stepped out and gave the full measure for his beliefs.

 This story touched believers from the thousands of examples of bold Christians who stepped up to protest and took issue with policies that wanted to marginalize people of faith from our founding fathers, who were devoted Christians that if not for their bold moves, there would be no United States by rebelling against the sovereignty of King George III who oppressive monarchy punished the colonists. What was their authority to fight? The same was true for Dietrich Bonhoeffer and all freedom fighters working to defeat Hitler's Third Reich or any other unjust and oppressive government. Biblical teaching tells us to submit to the government's authority, but it also teaches that followers must disobey the government when it requires believers to sin, abusing their power.  The forty million Evangelicals sit idly by saying, “It doesn’t matter, my vote doesn’t matter, and I will rely on God to handle these problems.” God's sovereignty claim is to seek his “Face” in times of plenty and need, but said faith without works is dead, says the Lord.

 Staying out of the 2024 election, where so much is at stake, does a disservice not only to those who went before and cleared the path for our freedoms but are whispering to say, "Will you continue to carry the mantel of freedom, or will you let the ravages of darkness prevail?" And then what will be your response to Almighty God when he directs you to take action?  

 Probably the greatest proponent of God's commandment to protest the immoral edits of the government was stated by the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, who has a message for all Americans and, in particular, people of faith.

 Dr. King reminds us, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

“The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but silence over that by the good people.” Most importantly, “There comes a time when silence is betrayal.” “We may have come on all different ships, but we’re all in the same boat now.”


Now is the time for action and vote your conscience in 2024